Common Signage Terms Explained

Author: B.M.R. Mfg. Inc. | | Categories: Construction Signs , School Bus Safety Products , Traffic Control

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Every industry has its own language and terms. These words and phrases can be confusing to anyone who is not part of the daily operations of a specific sector, and the signage manufacturing business is no exception.

To help you understand the terms, acronyms, and phrases regularly used when purchasing signage, B.M.R. Mfg. Inc. has created this handy reference guide. Here, you’ll find valuable information to effectively comprehend and communicate your signage needs.

Type I: Often referred to as Engineer Grade Prismatic (E.G.P.) or Engineer Grade (E.G.) vinyl. It’s a 7-year warrantied reflective vinyl for most colors and is typically used for roadway, trail, and park signs. It’s also known as the 3400 or 3200 series of vinyl. 

Type III or Type IV: Typically referred to as High Intensity (H.I. or H/I) vinyl. It’s a 10-year warrantied vinyl for most colors and is commonly used for regulatory signage such as Stop signs, Yield signs, and Warning Signs. The most common signs can get upgraded to Type IV at a minimal cost. It’s also known as the 3900 series of vinyl. 

Type IX: Commonly referred to as Diamond Grade (D.G. or D/G) vinyl. It’s a 10-12-year warrantied vinyl for most colors and is used for School Zone Signage and many construction zone signs. Most common signs can be upgraded to Type IX for a nominal cost and receive a more extensive warranty. It’s also known as the 4000 series of vinyl. 

E.G. Vinyl: Engineer Grade or Engineer Grade Beaded vinyl is a Type I vinyl used to fabricate most signage. There is a flat, silvery look to the vinyl and it’s not see-through. Most colors carry a 7-year warranty. 

E.G.P. Vinyl: Engineer Grade Prismatic vinyl is a Type I vinyl used to fabricate most signage. It’s defined by having the letters E.G.P. written in the material, and most colors carry a 7-year warranty. 

H.I. Vinyl: High Intensity or Hi-Intensity vinyl, is a Type III or Type IV vinyl used to fabricate most signage. It comes with a 10-year warranty on most colors and is significantly more reflective than Type I. 

D.G. Vinyl: Diamond Grade vinyl is a Type IX vinyl used to fabricate School Zone and Construction Signage. It comes with a 10–12-year warranty on most colors and is significantly more reflective than Type I. 

.081 or .064: These numbers refer to the thickness of Aluminum used for a sign and are decimal equivalents of an inch (.081 = 5/64 or 2mm / .064 = 1/16 or 1.6mm). Most signs with a side larger than 60cm require .081 Aluminum for rigidity. Signs with a side smaller than 60cm can get fabricated using .064 Aluminum. 

16ga: This refers to 16 Gauge Steel, which is 1/16”, and at B.M.R. Mfg. Inc. is galvanized to G90 standards. It limits the possibility of corrosion and offers a long-standing lifetime to your steel sign. 

Digital Print (D.P.): It’s a process to fabricate signs by using a digital printer versus silk-screening. Many multi-colored signs are now digitally printed, and we offer digital print signs on both Reflective and Non-Reflective vinyl, allowing for matching of Pantone colors for logos or to showcase a beautiful new entrance sign. 

M(XXX): Marker signs, found in Book 8 of the Ontario Traffic Manuals, indicate areas of interest for motorists.

G(XXX): Guide signs, found in Book 8 of the Ontario Traffic Manual, indicate Road and Highway names and directions and distances. 

RA/RB/RC: Regulatory signage found in Book 5 of the Ontario Traffic Manual. 

WA/WB/WC: Warning signage found in Book 6 of the Ontario Traffic Manual. 

T.C.: Temporary Construction signage found in Book 7 of the Ontario Traffic Manual. 

We hope these terms made you more familiar with the popular signage terms.

If you’re looking for a sign manufacturing company in Campbellford, ON, reach out to the experts at B.M.R. Mfg. Inc. With many years of experience, we excel in producing quality safety signage solutions. 

Our products include Covid-19 warning signs, regulatory signage, traffic barrels, cones, and barricades. We also offer traffic signal mounting hardware, traffic signposts, snowmobile signage, T.C.S. signage, and fire hydrant reflective markers.

Our products are supplied to all areas of Ontario, all of Canada, and are used worldwide.

Please view our complete list of products hereread customer reviews here, or get in touch with us here.

